I upgraded the sound system in my old Jeep to a nice, modern Sony unit with a touch screen... but that left me with a perfectly good tape deck.
I decided to build a boom box for my workshop, mostly out of scavenged bits and pieces. The power supply for this is an old ATX unit. The speakers are a cheap set of Pioneers off eBay. There's no separate amp inside. The speakers run straight off the radio - plenty loud for my workspace. The body is made out of scrap MDF, with a few 3d printed elements. The back is a chunk of scrap peg board, spray painted black. The aluminum sheet is the ground plane for the antenna. To finish, I bought some vinyl wrap and guitar case hardware - corners, feet, and a handle.
I plan to add a small lead acid battery at some point - as is, it has to be plugged in, and if you turn it off, the clock resets. Fortunately, the unit doesn't forget the presets.