Dan Bostian



Making tools is a rewarding process. It's always good to improve the workshop.

Tapping Stand

This tapping guide is built out of an old comparator stand. Taps are held in an ER16 collet holder that's attached to an 8mm hardened steel rod. I machined a square drive profile into the end. The 3d printed arm clamp to the stand and hold a linear bearing. Workholding is done in a small 1.5" (38mm) wide grinding vise.

Power Feed

I have a small benchtop mill. I designed a small powerfeed using a stepper motor to drive the X axis. The stepper motor driver is controlled via an Arduino Pro Micro. The interface is pretty simple: the red-covered switch is power, the knob controls speed, and a three-position momentary switch controls movement in either direciton. There's a small ramp coded into the acceleration curve to prevent the motor from stalling.

Fume Extractor

This is a 120mm fan, a charcoal filter, and a magnetic arm mount. Helps keep my lungs free of soldering crud.

3d Printers

I built this Rostock printer way back in the early reprap days, and it served me for many years. I no longer use it, though. I've switched to more modern hardware.

Soldering Clamps

One of the best things I've made - these are jeweler's clamps attached to Noga arms. They are very stable, super adjustable, and solid. I use a steel Quadhands surface to solder on. I do not know why I put up with those tiny alligator clips for so many years. They are more or less a combination of two off-the-shelf parts, requiring only a small bit of milling to create the dovetail joint.


At some point, I upgraded the rear view mirror in my Jeep with a Subaru mirror that included a digital compass. The old mirror has a new life in the shop. It's helpful when trying to indicate in a round part on the mill.


This is a simple dust separator made out of a road cone and some 3d printed parts. I've named it 'Dorothy.'

Work Stop

This vise stop is one of the first things I made on the mill. I use it a lot.

Drawer Labels

These are 3d printed labels using microscope slides for the glass covers. They stick to the drawer with magnets. A flexure holds the label in.

Shop Towel Holder

3d printed giant lego.

Stick Vises

For soldering larger PCBs, I use these. They are my take on the commercial product. They have replacable 3d printed jaws.


Shortly after building my CNC, I made this mallet for my father. He's a beekeeper, so I included an appropriate engraving. It's made out of 20mm Baltic birch plywood and finished with wipe-on poly. The head is filled with steel shot. It's weighted so you can rest the mallet on its face without the handle touching the ground. This project has the honor of my first CNC crash. Turns out, you need to keep your hold down clamps out of the way.